Dear members,
I can’t believe we are at the end of the year and about to start a new and exciting year. I hope you have all had a great year, if not 2025 promises a new start with lots to look forward to.
Reflecting on December
1 December - We started the month with the last round of our Traction Tyres/Yokohama Drivers Championship at Phillip Island. It was a great day and as usual, everyone had a fantastic time.
8 December – Christmas Show and Shine and Family Picnic at Cruden farm saw some amazing cars out to join in the fun, with some entering the Show and Shine, others putting their cars on display and some just attending for the fun of the day. We had a visit from the big man in red which was exciting for big and small kiddies. Raffle prizes were donated by Bell Motorsport and nearly everyone went home with something. Our raffle and egg and bacon breakfast raised nearly $900 which has been paid into our fundraising account for Peter Mac. Thank you to all who donated, bought raffle tickets, attended and most of all volunteered to help us out. This was my first official event out with the club after my surgery and by the end of the day I was getting very weary.
14 December - many members attended the Bell Motorsport Christmas BBQ and thank you lunch for Bell Motorsport's customers, and BMWDCM's member and volunteers. Thank you again for all those who came and helped out. Jo was only 3 days out of hospital from recent shoulder surgery, so all the helpers made things much easier for both of us.
The Christmas break
We really enjoyed Christmas day with our family, I hope that you had a fantastic day, whatever you did.
Your hard-working committee are taking a few weeks off and will be back in the swing of things after 13 January. Any questions, please email info@bmwdcm.com.au.
Planning ahead
Jo and Peter have been working on events for 2025 already and the year is looking very exciting. We have a draft calendar for you to mark some save the dates. This is subject to change and some events confirmation, but we will do our best to keep it as is.
Check out the calendar for our full list of events and to register for those listed below.
10 January is our first drive event. Another Twilight Drive, this time through the Dandenong Ranges, starting at Ringwood BMW. We will be using TourBoss, as with all our drive events from now on, so be sure to download the App for full drive instructions once the event code is sent out.
19 January is the start of the car show season for 2025, with AOMC Festival of Motoring at Cruden Farm. Be sure to pre-register to enable you to enter with the rest of the group, our pre-meet location will be sent to you if you pre-register.
On 26 January we will be starting with lunch in the Yarra Valley then doing an afternoon drive for our annual Australia Day drive. Look out for the event notice in your emails.
30 January is our Bathurst 12-hour suite. There are possibly only 6 spots left with this event, so don’t miss out and get your bookings in ASAP. There is no better way to watch this world class event and get all the private tours and special extras we manage to organise, than to join us in the BMWDCM suite.
February, March and April are full of great events too. Check out the yearly calendar. Some of the events are not ready to register with yet but you can save the dates for when the event notices are released.
2025 BMW Clubs Australia Nationals
24-27 April is our big event for the year with the BMW Clubs Australia Nationals. Registrations are going well and accommodation is filling very fast, so be sure to book in at WestWaters Caroline Springs and complete your registrations for events.
Other News
We have lots of stock in our merchandise store for you to get ready for 2025. Head on over to our store to place your order.
I thank you all for your ongoing support of our fantastic club and welcome all the new members who have joined our club in 2024.
To the sponsors who have supported us in 2024 and are coming back on board for 2025, thank you.
All our volunteers and officials, I thank you too. Our events would not be as great as they are without your help.
As we start a new and exciting year, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday time with your friends and family and remember some of our friends may be alone, so give them a call or just drop in if you are in their general area.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you all in 2025.
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.

PO Box 81, Tyabb VIC 3913

Incorporated in Victoria #A0102695G
BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc is a member of: BMW Clubs Australia and the BMW Clubs International Council
Motorsport Australia Affiliated Motorsport Club