Motorclassica - Expressions of Interest

Afternoon of Thursday, 11 October 2018 - 5pm Sunday, 14 October 2018
Royal Exhibition Building
Nicholson Street Carlton
expressions of interest close: 25 September 2018 - extended
Would you like to take part in the only internationally rated swanky prestige classic car show in Australia without even having to have a classic car?
Now you can!
You can apply to the organisers to try and get your car on display inside (pretty hard to do), or you can join us in the outdoor display area - which is still highly sort after.
This year the outdoor display "Club Sandwich" will be a different format to previous years. Rather than each club displaying for only one of the 3 days the exhibition is on, this year each club will have their cars displayed for the full 3 days.
This means that less clubs will get to take part - but we are one of the lucky ones!
Cars will be required to enter on Thursday afternoon AND STAY THERE until the end of the show at approximately 5pm on Sunday.
There will be 24 hour security and there will be a lot of other very expensive cars around!

Club Sandwich is open to any car of any age. If we are over subscribed we will choose cars which best reflect BMW's heritage and narrative, which may mean selecting a modern car rather than an older one. The final choice is, however, made by the organisers.
All selected members will get free tickets to all 3 days of the exhibition plus an invite to the exhibitor's cocktail party on Thursday evening.
Confirmation of places is expected to be at the end of September.

BMW Drivers Club Melbourne Inc.
Any questions? Contact Lawrence Glynn at or on 0414 563 290